Our Services

What we offer

Infrastructure and Resources

Computational Infrastructure Setup

We establish robust computational infrastructures capable of managing substantial bioinformatics and AI workloads, laying a firm foundation for your projects.

Academic Collaborations

Facilitating partnerships with academic institutions and research organizations to harness collective expertise and foster innovation in bioinformatics and AI.

Project Initiation

Data Collection and Repositories

We aid in setting up pipelines for systematic data collection, including genomic and proteomic data, while ensuring secure and compliant storage in data repositories.

AI Model Development

Initiating projects with the development of AI models using machine learning and deep learning approaches for precise analysis and outcome predictions.

Integration into R&D

Drug Discovery

Leveraging bioinformatics and AI expertise for innovative drug discovery processes including target identification and compound screening.

Clinical Trials

Utilizing AI for designing and monitoring clinical trials to optimize patient selection and streamline data analysis.

Product Development

AI-Based Products and Digital Therapeutics

Developing digital therapeutics and AI-based products that use AI algorithms to innovate disease treatment.

Customized Diagnostic Products

Design and develop bespoke diagnostic products tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges of healthcare providers, ensuring precision and accuracy in patient diagnosis.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation

AI in Diagnostics

Innovating in the diagnostic field by applying AI in personalized medicine and prognostic studies to uncover groundbreaking insights.

Biomarker Discovery

Utilizing bioinformatics for biomarker discovery and validation, setting a new standard in research and diagnostics.

Community Engagement

Open-Source Contributions

Engaging with the community through open-source contributions, sharing tools, and datasets to foster a collaborative environment.

Research Publications

Publishing research findings in peer-reviewed journals to build and maintain a reputable stance in the scientific community.